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Jetlag seems to be the worst nightmare of all travelers - if you're only going for a short time, in particular.

What causes jet lag?

Jet lag is a condition that is crossing several time zones in a relatively short time, interfering with their natural body clock or circadian rhythms. Other factors include lack of exercise, alcohol and dry environment.

What are the symptoms of jet lag?

When you reach your destination feeling judged, dizzy and disoriented the most common symptoms are listed below. Many people have difficulty concentrating and have a very irregular sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night or feel the need to nap during the day can often.

Due to the dryness of the air on planes, dehydration can be a big problem.

How long the symptoms?

The symptoms of jet lag may last only a few hours - all the way up to a week (for severe cases). But overall, travelers are in normal flight between the United States and Europe, the effects of jet lag are the last few days. To cross as a guide for each time zone, go for a full day of recovery. Symptoms vary depending on age. Children are much less vulnerable.

How the symptoms of jet lag are reduced?

Before leaving, make sure to get enough sleep. Eat well and avoid alcohol. Allow enough time before departure. Stress is one of the worst offenders. In addition, some treated with a zinc supplement because it has been shown that people with high levels of zinc tend to suffer less.

During the trip, drink plenty of water. Stay away from alcohol, soda and coffee drinks. These drinks only aggravate jet lag, dehydration, fatigue and headaches. Drink plenty of water. Chamomile is very relaxing. Eat light meals. The last thing your body needs to digest a large meal. Exercise - "economy class syndrome" is caused by inactivity or sitting in one position for a long time. If time permits, get up and walk around the plane.

Try to get some sleep. Sleep on board will not only help you pass the time, but it can help you feel refreshed upon arrival. A travel pillow to help you in your dream, excellent support for the head. Avoid sleeping pills at all costs.

Upon arrival, get a short nap, in fact, look very attractive - but resist that temptation. Go to bed at the time of normal sleep (in local time). This will force your body to adapt to new much quicker time zones.

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