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Board of holiday travel with your pet

Holidays most people travel, they usually bring their families to them. There are also some just can not live without their pets as well. If you intend to travel with your pet, you should be ready to make the journey pleasant and comfortable, you and the animal.

· Travel by car

If you want a holiday road trip, make sure you do not allow pets to lose your car. You can make your pet, you can connect to the seatbelt buckle belts car. Or you can put your pet in a cage kletke.Zhivotnoe is a good idea, but may be more expensive. Always put your pet in the back seat.

· Air Travel

If you are flying to your destination, pet cage, which should correspond to the airline. Ask the airline about the size of an animal cell, to make sure you buy one the right size. Pet can travel through the air in the cabin, and if it is not more than 22 pounds in weight, 18 inches long, 11 inches in height.

For international flights, you need some files for your pet before you can take it with you. It will be better if you can give benefit for at least six weeks to start taking care of the paper.

Do not travel with your pet, if you do not have it checked by a veterinarian and vaccinations. Always carry out vaccination records current certificate of health of your pet.

· Pet food

For a large number of pet food, you never know if your pet's favorite brand of pet food will be at your destination, so it is better to be sure.

· Manual feeding

If you fly, feed your pet a snack 5-6 hours prior to departure. Before leaving, do not let your pet liquid two hours. If you go by car, try not to feed your pet while you are mobile.

· Put identification tags

If you take your pet on a domestic or international travel, it is best if you can have an ID tag for your pet. ID tag should include your home address and phone number, and a destination address, and phone number.

You remove it is also very important to check if your pet will be welcome destination. If you are visiting relatives, you have to let them know you will take your pet. If you are staying at the hotel to see the rules and regulations regarding pets stay.

Also make sure that your pet is ready to travel. Animals may be more irritable than children in long-distance travel. If your pet has never been in other places, but at home, you can begin to allow him to travel, ready to take it in the supermarket, the park or the mall.

Finally, try to be as patient as possible. You must understand that you are not trying to separate deal with your pet; You also have to deal with other people's reactions to your pet.

I found that taking our yellow lab Zion Park, Utah is a journey full of fun and enjoyment, but you have to be ready and prepared in advance to make sure that everything will be decided how you want.

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